Author: Malike Usmonova

Brussels (12/03 – 55.56) Mary Lawlor, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, said that the dissolution of human rights NGOs signals a deteriorating environment for civil society and human rights defence in Tajikistan. She reiterated that Tajikistan must reconsider its attitudes towards civil society and view human rights defenders as allies instead of enemies. Earlier in November 2023, Tajikistan Minister of Justice announced that 700 NGOs in the country had been liquidated over an 18-month period. “Human rights defenders working on so-called sensitive issues, including freedom from torture, the right to housing and compensation for requisitioned land, minority rights, freedom of belief and good governance, political rights, and…

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President Kassym-Joomart Tokayev approved the new government of Kazakhstan under the leadership of Olzhas Bektenov. The names of the ministers were published on Most of the ministers remained from the old government. Four ministers were replaced: Nurlan Baibazarov was appointed Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of National Economy instead of Alibek Kuantyrov, Madi Takiyev became Minister of Finance instead of Erulan Zhamaubaev, Akmaral Alnazarova was appointed Minister of Healthcare instead of Azhar Giniyat, and Chingis Arinov became the new Minister for Emergency Situations instead of Syrym Shariphanov. Members of the government who remained in their positions included First Deputy…

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A year ago Germany deported to Tajikistan an activist from that country’s exiled opposition movement who had been living in Dortmund since 2009. What happened next is a shocking example of what can occur when Germany fails to uphold safeguards in its increased efforts to deport unsuccessful asylum seekers. The Bundestag this month gave police greater powers to carry out deportations. The activist, Abdullohi Shamsiddin, 33, was deported to Tajikistan on January 18 2023. He was detained on arrival by the security services. Two months later he was convicted of trying to overthrow the constitution and jailed for seven years. No credible…

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A protocol between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan has been approved, Trend reports. At today’s session of Milli Majlis (Parliament) of Azerbaijan a draft law on approval of “Protocol on making additions and amendments to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on visa-free travels of citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 18, 1997” was submitted for discussion. The amendments specify that if the citizens of the countries-parties to the agreement spend more than 15 days on the territory of the country-parties, it will be necessary…

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International delegates and media attending the 25th UNWTO General Assembly have expressed their delight of the historical city of Samarkand in Uzbekistan. Many who spoke about their impressions of the capital city, which is a cultural citadel, have been surprised with the developments and commitments of the government to position Uzbekistan as a new tourism draw. Hosting UNWTO’s highest organisational structure for the first time, Uzbekistan staged one of the culturally enriching side events to celebrate the historical city. Speaking of their impressions of the General Assembly, Rodney Sikumba, Minister of Tourism of Zambia, was excited from his arrival at…

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On July 9, Uzbekistan’s President Shavkat Mirziyoyev was reelected with a resounding 87 percent of the vote, in a contest that authoritative international observers assessed as unfair and uncompetitive. Formally, this secures his position for another seven years. In practice, it may mean a lifetime presidency. The election followed a constitutional amendment approved in a referendum on April 30 that lengthened the term of the presidency from five to seven years. In so doing, it also reset the clock on the maximum two terms allowed by the constitution. Mr. Mirziyoyev was first elected president in 2016, following the death in office of…

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Frankfurt (3/12 – 12) The relatively rapid cohesion of disparate nations, historically competitive or even at war with one another, into the European Union came about in part because of the ongoing threat from the Soviet Union. The specter of a tank invasion from Warsaw Pact nations, today forgotten, was such a reality that the German government kept a major portion of its gold bullion across the Atlantic. The USSR, an ally in World War II after being double-crossed by Hitler – remember the “Non-Aggression Pact signed in Moscow by von Ribbentrop and Molotov – was soon appraised as a…

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The President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting in New York with the head of Cintana Education Douglas Becker, Azernews reports, citing news agency. This company was established in cooperation with Arizona State University, operates in 30 countries of the world, and is engaged in improving the quality of education in universities. Cintana’s founder and chairman, Douglas Becker, is working with ASU to establish the American University of Technology in Uzbekistan. From 2024, it is planned to start training qualified personnel in such areas as healthcare, engineering, architecture, and design. Shavkat Mirziyoyev approved these plans and stated that Uzbekistan is…

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Every time Bakhodir Jalolov steps inside the ring, he carries something that keeps him motivated. The memory of his late father, Isomiddin Jalolov is with him every step of the way. “One day my son will be a champion, I will prepare him for competitions,” Bakhodir’s father used to say, and the reigning Olympic and world champion proved him right. This week, the super-heavyweight contender will continue to honour that dream with a shot at gold in the +92kg division at the Asian Games in Hangzhou, China, as he prepares for his Olympic title defence in Paris next year. But it nearly turned out very differently. Bakhodir Jalolov’s switch…

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Over the past seven years, entrepreneurship has become a priority in Uzbekistan’s policy. It is evident how much attention the government dedicates to this area. Incentives are being introduced, credits are being allocated, and comprehensive support is being provided to all categories of businesses, from small to large. It is no secret that the country’s economic development directly depends on the growth of its businesses. In turn, the key annual event in Uzbekistan that shapes the future paths of business development is the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s meetings with entrepreneurs in an open dialogue format. These events allow business representatives to…

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